We're really sorry that you have decided to end your links to Maori Music Publishing.
Cancellation is free of charge if you have submitted your Sign Up / Registration Form within the past
14 days (the "cooling off" period).
Subsequently cancellation is also normally free of charge, however, a cancellation fee equal to £ 10.00
per title (or a minimum charge of £ 50.00) may be due if you wish to cancel before the expiration of
your initial period of contracture (usually 12 months).
We will notify you if this applies to you before actioning your request.
NOTE : Unless you are a writer-member of a Performing Rights Organisation, or signing to a new
publisher, then cancelling publishing arrangements may be detrimental to your interests.
You may also forfeit any royalties due on pending "live" claims etc.
Cancelling just because your band has disbanded is also very often a bad idea as royalties can
continue to be earned for many years after a band has split up!
Any tracks submitted for Sync Promo may have their placements extended indefinitely.
If you only wish to cancel specific titles (e.g. to transfer to another publisher) but wish us to administer the remainder, then please CONTACT us with full details and do not complete this form.(Charges may apply).
Otherwise, please read the Cancellation Terms & Conditions before completing this form.
If you are certain that you have made adequate provision to replace all of the benefits shown below, complete the Contract Cancellation Form and we'll see to the rest:-
NOTES : Completion of this form constitutes the required 28 days notice for us to remove our name and interest from all previously registered titles with PRS For Music, as outlined in our Standard Terms & Conditions, after which you will be able to administer these titles yourself or assign them to another publisher.
If you are a writer-member of an International Performing Rights Organisation you will need to make any relevant changes to any registrations yourself in order to fully re-assign all titles.