Maori Music Publishing

Performance / Spoken Word Royalty Claims

Spoken Word


Whilst Maori Music Publishing is primarily associated with the music community, a growing part of our client base is made up spoken word / performance artists.

If your performance contains original musical content or is substantively rhythmic / melodic in delivery (similar to "a cappella" song performances) then we can work with you.



We can collect digital royalties from Radio / TV / Internet broadcasts of your material and we may also be able to recover regular broadcast royalties from your material.
(The eligibility of your work for this type of claim is largely at the discretion of the broadcaster.)
These are recovered automatically for you.


Most venues that hold spoken word / performance events will also put on "live" music events and are licenced to do so.
This licence fee goes towards paying royalties to the songwriters / composers / authors of the material performed at these venues, even at "open mic" nights etc.
You can also claim for if your material is used in a Theatrical / Drama production.

You could be due royalties from virtually every time you have performed your material, whether you were paid to perform or not and whether it was a ticketed or free event, dating back a maximum of TWO years (UK Events / Residencies have a ONE year deadline).

Place claims using these appropriate SPOKEN WORD CLAIM FORMS

Events / Concerts / Festivals Residencies Theatrical / Drama

Performances must take place at venues licenced with the your Regional PRO for general entertainment purposes.

Maori Music Publishing

With us you're a name, not a number!

Maori Music Publishing
Confidential Records

Maori Music Publishing UK Ltd
Bus. Reg. No.: 7793627
PRS For Music : 159804347
MCPS : 159804347
PPL : 102463585
SoundExchange : SOUN13E 16265
Music Reports : MD52003